Monday, 24 October 2016

Missing Responsibilities - After a Clone or Upgrade

Missing Responsibilities - After a Clone or Upgrade

In this Blog, I want to discuss, the issue that we can face during a clone or an Upgrade.
(The Scenario That we faced was, there were no responsibilities will be available after a clone)

To fix this please do the following:-

 1.) Execute following select :

 SELECT * FROM Fnd_Responsibility_vl WHERE Application_Id = 1 AND
 Responsibility_Name = 'System Administrator' AND
 Start_Date <= Sysdate AND ( End_Date is NULL OR End_Date > Sysdate );

 2.) Execute following select : 

 SELECT count(*) FROM Fnd_User_Resp_Groups;

 3.) Back up the WF_ROLE_HIERARCHIES table into a new table you create as apps.

 4. Run this is Important Delete the entries in that table (2 rows exist),

 Run affurgol.sql FORCE (in FND_TOP/patch/115/sql) and 
then replace those entries back into WF_ROLE_HIERARCHIES table.

 The steps to execute are : 

 4.a) Create the Backup table :

 CREATE TABLE wf_role_hierarchies_copy AS SELECT * FROM wf_role_hierarchies;

 4.b) truncate the existing table : TRUNCATE TABLE applsys.wf_role_hierarchies;

 4.c) Execute the script that is in Red Color in the top.

 4.d) Insert the data into the new created table : INSERT INTO wf_role_hierarchies SELECT * FROM wf_role_hierarchies_copy;

 5.) Verify the output of the following SQL statement at this point :

 SELECT count(*) FROM Fnd_User_Resp_Groups;

 Now You Log in to the Applications, we can find all the responsibilities.

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